29 mai 2010

Interview | The Moon And The Nightspirit (Février 2009)

Entretien en anglais avec Mihaly Szabo (chant, guitare, percussions), réalisé par mail en février 2009.

Can you introduice The Moon And The Nightspirit ? Why did you give this name to the group ?

Mihaly : The Moon and the Nightspirit was formed in 2003 by Agnes and me, Mihaly. In the beginning it was only a side-project, a musical experiment of ours, not a full-time band, due to the fact that we were members of a hungarian gothic metal band (Evensong) at the time. We’ve always been interested in the pagan culture and wisdom, the spiritual and musical heritage of our ancestors, the long-forgotten tales of the old, and after writing a few songs for The Moon and the Nightspirit we realized that this was the music we always wanted to play, the path we’ve been searching for all the time, the world where we truly belong.

So we decided to quit our former band in order to pull all our efforts and emotions into The Moon and the Nightspirit. In 2004 we recorded a promotional EP, which gave us the record deal with Portuguese Equilibrium Music. In the summer of 2005, after a short song-writing period, we entered hungarian Elysion studio again to record our debut album Of Dreams Forgotten And Fables Untold. After playing several concerts/festivals both in our homecountry and abroad we started to write new songs and around mid 2006 the recording for our second album Regö Rejtem began. This album came out in April 2007 under the wings of Equilibrium Music in a DVD-size Digipack, with a full-colour booklet complete with Agnes’s 19 paintings.

The Moon and the Nightspirit is a pagan-folk band, a band playing music that feeds from the ancient fables/tales from times bygone. The world of The Moon and the Nightspirit is strongly connected to Nature, the Spirits of the Earth and the spiritual side of the world, the realm beyond the Veil of Isis.
As for the bandname we wanted a name full of expression, something that is symbolical. For us “Moon” symbolizes the feminine and “Nightspirit”, the masculine side of nature. Moon is the muse, the guardian of ancient wisdom, who knows all secrets one alone, the Mother; Nightspirit is, the seeker, the wanderer of dreams, the Child. Moon is the Master, Nightspirit is the Disciple.

In december, The Moon And The Nighspirit has appeared at the Cernunnos Pagan Fest. For me, you concert was magic. Do you agree ? What did you think of this concert ?

Mihaly : Thanks for the compliments. We enjoyed playing at the Cernunnos Fest a lot. It was a very well-organized event with very good bands. And the audience was great as well. It was an honour for us to play there.

Who were the musicians who play with you ?
Mihaly : Gabor Vegh played on percussions, and Gergely Cseh on bass guitar. They are old friends of us and they play with us on all of our live shows.

For you, do concerts is it important ?

Mihaly : Yes, absolutely. Playing live is a very important part of our music. Our music belongs to an era whitout cds, vinyls, hi-fi… just human beings playing their insturments for other human beings. Though we enjoy working in studio, It is a music meant to be played live.

Your music is very emotional. What are the feelings that you give with your art ?

Mihaly : We, just like our ancestors believe in the everlasting, light-begotten bond between Nature and Man, between Mother Earth and her seed-children, humanity; between the Sun-antlered Father of All and our fiery-winged soul; between the spiritual and material world. We believe in the Light eternal, hidden deep inside, the unquenchable, inner flame, the living fire of the soul. This bond, this burning flame drives and guide us on the path. This is what inspire us and this is what the massage of our music is about.

Is the hungarian folklore inspire you ?

Mihaly : Musically our main influences are minstrel songs, shamanistic/ritual music. We use concrete melodies/verses from these, but their mood and athmosphere inspire us greatly.

I love the drawnings of Agnes. What are her influences ?

Mihaly : The illustrations are her reflections to the lyrics and music. They are, just like our music is inspired by Nature itself in her form that cannot be perceived by earthly organs of sense, but with the opening of the third and spiritual eye.

Ösforras, your third album will be early available. What can you tell about it ?

Mihaly : Well, we both think that Ősforrás is a big step forward musically. We worked a lot on this album, and we think the final outcome of our labour is a quite interesting album. This time we invites the listener to the star-woven realm of the wise elders, the ones who knew the secrets of the nature and walked the path of light eternal. This is an album that feeds from the “Ősforrás”, the “Source Pristine”, the primordial womb, from which all have sprung, a sacred place where all is one. Ősforrás is a collection of songs, rituals dedicated to the old and eternal tradition. An offering to the slumbering gods of the old forests, streams and stones. We hope you”ll like it as much as we liked to create it.
Thank you very much for this interview.

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